My way or not at all...
My daughter, being the independent child that she was (and still is) use to say...
"I want to do it my own self. "
Proverbial Quips and Quotes from Parents and Pundits
My daughter, being the independent child that she was (and still is) use to say...
My mom had this way of saying that what you do, comes right back to you...
"What goes over the dog's back comes under his belly." -Viola Bell
Daddy D teaches chemistry and physics, and is a believer in something called "Unit Analysis." Early in his teaching career, he created a bulletin board to promote the concept of unit analysis that said simply, "Open your mind to units." He thought that this was a great bulletin board so he left the letters in place for years. After a few years, the "U" was lost so that the bulletin board read, "Open your mind to nits." Now opening your mind to units is one thing; opening your mind to nits is completely something else.
When my mom thought my room was a bit untidy, she would say,
My Mama used to say an old adage with this twist "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think." - Laura Gray Thompson
As a help the following is just great: "If the motor will fit, the fenders will bend."
When the rain would be pouring down on the garden in the back, my dad would gaze out the window and say to my mom, " Think the rain'll hurt the rhubarb?"
Today we had a caller at school who asked if school in northwest Indiana were closed because of the rain. The secretary said no, to which I replied to them what my Mr. Tenney always said:
To continue the theme about rain, my dad's favorite saying was "Into everyone's life a little rain must fall." He usually said this in a tongue-in-cheek way when my sisters or I were complaining about trivial matters. - B.W. Thompson
Today it rained all day. At one point it was raining so hard I heard from the outer office, "It's raining cats and dogs". Made me think of what my dad, Joe, would say when it looked like a hard rain was a coming.
"Your mom always said to hang everything at eye-level." -My husband, after I asked him to stop sticking stray hairs to the shower wall.