Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Open Minds

Daddy D teaches chemistry and physics, and is a believer in something called "Unit Analysis." Early in his teaching career, he created a bulletin board to promote the concept of unit analysis that said simply, "Open your mind to units." He thought that this was a great bulletin board so he left the letters in place for years. After a few years, the "U" was lost so that the bulletin board read, "Open your mind to nits." Now opening your mind to units is one thing; opening your mind to nits is completely something else.


At 5:57 PM, Blogger gawilli said...

Yep. Everytime we had to do the old head checks in school mine would itch the whole rest of the day. Nits are something entirely different.

Glad to see you are not giving up the habit completely!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Molly said...

As a famous blogger once said, "Teamwork works."

At 6:36 PM, Blogger willi said...

Open your mind to nits.

Oh yeah, good bulletin board for a school. Makes my head itch. Better find my baseball cap. It always relieves the psychological itch of the nit.

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Swampwitch said...

Just saying the word "nits" makes me itch. Isn't it amazing what seeing or hearing a word can cause?
Like the word Y-A-W-N....
Say it and I'll bet several people will Y-A-W-N...

At 5:24 PM, Blogger daddy d said...

I must say if that "U" had not fall off ... well maybe not because I did move rooms. Any way, right now I like FORMULAS as the mode of analysis. Unit analysis is still there to help the problem solving along, but the structure of the solution is provided by the formula ... should there be one that is right for the problem.

At 4:04 AM, Blogger Molly said...

Maybe, there should be a new bulletin board, "Open Your Mind to Formulae." Nope, it doesn't have that ring of, "Open your mind to nits (er units)." How about, "A Formula is the key to your problem?"


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