Down to the Blacktop.
As our two sons were growing up, like all children, they were allowed to expand the range of exploring distance from our home. At first, they were allowed to visit only the nearest neighbors, those that lived not more than two houses away. Little by little they were allowed to go a little farther away from our home base. At one point in time, the line of demarcation that the boys were not to cross was about a block away from our house. Since there was fresh asphalt up to a certain point on our street about a block away, this offered a visual line for the boys. Occasionally, the neighborhood children would ride their bikes to this newly paved asphalt, or the family would take a walk to the end of our block. We all referred to this point as the "blacktop." Although all of the road was blacktop, the newer portion of the road was darker. Furthermore, the children said "we are going down to the blacktop" Also, the family walks were frequently, "down to the blacktop." Eventually, the entire service road was repaved, and there was no difference in the color of the pavement. However, the saying remained if we planned a walk, we were going "down to the blacktop."
Early the other morning, the floor of the computer room shook. After figuring out that we were not experiencing an earthquake, I looked in front of the house and saw this.
and this
In a few days, more workers will surely return and pave over our street one more time. There will be no line of demarcation at the end of the block. There will be no difference in color of the asphalt, but if we walk to the end of the block with our grandchildren, we will more than likely say, we are walking "down to the blacktop." Some sayings are like that. The reason for the expression disappears, but the saying remains.
That is the truth and nothing but the truth. "Going to the black top" has an expanded meaning. It really means to go at least to the end of the block. The energy to go a greater distance is hoped for within that "going to the BT" saying. But then the short goal (BT is a bench mark of sorts.
I enjoyed this story. We have family things like that too. After all is changed, we still refer to the old item, place or person.
We had many sayings like that--mostly to the end of the cul-de-sac or stay where I can see you. You don't really think about them much until other people are around, and don't understand what you're talking about!
We have so many little things like that. And if you are just listening in, you'd have no idea what were talking about.
I really enjoyed this little story.
I have "been away" for awhile now, but I really enjoy your blog. So I have had to read "back" to see what has been happening! Our saying was don't cross the street. Of course our block was surrounded by streets so "they" couldn't go far.
We have a similar saying. It is "going down to the big hill". Over the years, the hill has been paved and rebuilt and now it is merely a dip in the road, but we all know what it means to go there!
Yes, when I was little, where I grew up, there were all unmade roads. Until you got a few miles down the road and theyre were bitumened roads...we called it the "sealed area" as in sealed road. Some people we knew would not drive their precious cars off of the sealed area in case their paint work on their cars would get dirty...funny that...because when the light rains come and the wind whoops up, their cars got dirty anyhow!!!
They just finished paving my street a few days ago. Nothing like the smell of tar and fresh pavement to wake up to.
Maybe the street will cave in on top of the drainage pipes below like it did a long time ago, so they have to repair it and make a new blacktop.
I have not check in here for a while and I have missed out on some great posts. Geez
Loved reading this thank youu
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