Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Father's Day - Bubby

On this day that is set aside to honor fathers. I would like to honor the father of my children. He is a kind, loyal, compassionate, bright, and handsome man. As a child, Daddy D was affectionately called Budgee by his family. Then as happens with young men, he wished to be called by his given name, which is Miles. Today most people call him, "Miles", except for his students, who frequently call him, "Mr. D."

The proud Papa is pictured here with his first born son on his very first Father's Day. Notice that baby Dean has a green left foot. I used green food coloring to make a baby foot print on the Father's Day card. In the lower right hand corner is the gift, a wild and crazy homemade tie, that Dean and I made for our Daddy D. Little Dean helped by taking a few naps that week so that I could stitch the tie. Believe me, that was a big help because for most of his first year, our little son did not all. Note that father and son both have beautiful dark red hair. Here is Daddy D on his 5th Father's Day in 1975 with son, Luke, on one knee, and the older son, Dean, on the other knee. Dean's red hair is now blond. However, if you look closely, you can see both sons have inherited Daddy D's dimple in the chin. Aren't they handsome?

This Father's Day picture was taken in 2001. Father and adult son, Luke, are enjoying a tasty beverage at our favorite coffee store.

This is the most recent Father's Day picture of our three guys in 2003. They all have changed since the picture in 1975. Luke is now the tallest of the three and by the end of the year will be father himself. Daddy D has added a beard to his moustache and has some silver strands in his beautiful red hair. Dean, who has traded his plaid pants for a plaid shirt, is a father to our wonderful granddaughter.

Sometimes his family members still call our Daddy D, "Budgee", especially his sweet great-niece and brilliant great-nephew. Well actually, they call him "Uncle Budgee." I like the name Budgee, but I like to call our Daddy D, "Bubby."

Happy Father's Day, Bubby.


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Luke said...

I still like calling him "Dad," as he is very good at being one.

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Daddy D!

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Margaret said...

What a wonderful idea! I should dig out some old photos of my husband with the girls. That would be fun! Happy Father's Day to Daddy D and all the other devoted dads out there.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Awesome tribute, he has got to be proud :)

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Frema said...

Happy Father's Day, indeed. It was great to see you guys yesterday!

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos! Happy Father's Day!

Interestingly, for unknown reasons, I've always called Shaun "Bubby" as well...

At 3:27 AM, Blogger meggie said...

Lovely pics, lovely tribute!!
Happy Father's Day!

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miles will be "Budgee" to me Uncle DM will be Uncle DM instead of Uncle Doug..I wanted to call Budgee's number One son "Little Budgee" but someone (MJD) wouldn't let me.


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Liz said...

just floating through here via Frema...

this was such a lovely post, it totally made me cry.

even though it's july now, happy father's day to you all every day.


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